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  • Towards a Greener Tomorrow
  • Inspiring Women@Work


    Whether it is nurturing their families at home or paving the way for transformation in their jobs, women employees have a unique value in our company. At Tata Power-DDL, we value the exclusive contribution of our women employees at the workplace in the form of diversified ideas, perspectives and experience. We are committed towards providing an inclusive and conducive culture to our women employees through various initiatives.

    Bridging the Gender Gap - Signatory to WEPs

    TATA Power-DDL became a signatory to UN Women & UN Global Compact’s initiative - Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)

    TATA Power-DDL is a proud signatory to UN Women and UN Global Compact’s global initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). By joining the WEPs Community, we extend our solidarity and commitment to the agenda of Women Empowerment and pledge to work towards promoting business practices that consider Workplace Gender Equality extremely crucial. TATA Power-DDL is amongst the selected 145 companies in India and 3727 companies worldwide to become a WEPs signatory.

    UN Women is a United Nations entity created with the aim of elevating the status of women worldwide and achieve gender equality in all fields. UN Global Compact and UN Women established the initiative Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), which are a set of Principles that offer guidance to organisations on how to promote gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace.

    As a signatory of the WEPs, Tata Power-DDL commits:

    • To the 7 Women’s Empowerment Principles - High-level corporate leadership, Treat all women and men fairly at work without discrimination, Employee health, Well-being and safety, Education and training for career advancement, Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices, Community initiatives and advocacy, and Measurement and reporting.
    • To work towards fostering business practices that promote gender equality and women empowerment
    • To undertake WEPs GAP Analysis Tool which is designed to help organisations assess gender equality performance across the workplace and community
    • To share the action plan and organising capacity building trainings to implement the plan after analysis of gap areas in company’s existing policies
    • To enroll its employees in the development programs organised by UN Women in alignment with gender diversity plan
    • To recognize itself as a WEPs signatory on the social media platforms at the country and Asia Pacific level.

    Recognition for championing Women’s Empowerment Principles

    Capacity Building & Training of female engineers from Afghanistan’s National Power Utility- DABS

    Women of Will - Creating a Utility for an Empowered Future

    Motivating our women workforce to spread their wings of ambition - Ms. Nandita Das as guest speaker at our motivational, talk series “Dilli Ke Sitare

    Inspiring Women At Work

    Learning and Growth Opportunities for Women

    Maternity and Post Natal